Squatter Rights: What Property Managers Need to Know

Squatter Rights: What Property Managers Need to Know


Squatter Rights: What Property Managers Need to Know

Ideally, the only tenants who live in your property are the ones who pay to do so. However, in some rare cases, individuals or groups of people may take up residence in your rental property.

It can be devastating to discover that someone has been living in your rental without your knowledge, but there are essential steps that a Property manager needs to take to resolve the situation with respect to the regulations that protect tenant rights.

To explain what Property Managers need to know about squatters, Avail spoke with Ryan Bradley, a partner at Koester & Bradley, about what Property Managers need to know before evicting unauthorized tenants.

What Are Squatter Rights?

Unauthorized tenants, otherwise known as squatters, are individuals or groups of people who have resided in a property that they don’t own or pay to rent.

Generally speaking, rules regarding squatters usually include the occupant’s right to not be displaced from the property without notice. Most regulations require Property Managers to serve unauthorized tenants with an eviction notice either via mail or through their local police department, Bradley explained. The regulations surrounding squatters tend to treat them much like renters who fail to pay their rent, he said, adding that Property Managers can’t just kick them out of the property on their own.

“There’s no good reason for a Property manager, either on their own or through the use of a third party, to have contact with the person who’s there,” Bradley said. “It ends badly. That’s precisely why the statute is trying to avoid any type of altercation.”

Adverse possession laws allow squatters — after paying the homeowners’ association fees, taxes, and other costs associated with the property after a set period of time — to obtain ownership of the property, according to FindLaw. After the time period outlined under your state’s adverse possession law has passed, if the squatters remain, the individual who pays the property taxes and utilities will legally be able to gain the title of the home, Bradley explained. This period can vary from 7 to 20 years.

For other important Property Managers regulations, check out the Avail guide to state-specific Property Managers-tenant laws.

Why Do Squatters Have Rights?

Drawing from Great Britain’s property laws, the U.S. squatter laws were meant to distinguish where each property owners’ land began and ended, Bradley said.

Historically speaking, Patrick Sission reports in Curbed, squatters rights also developed in the U.S. as residents of big cities sought affordable housing and protections for everyday individuals. This paved the way for displaced peoples to creatively revamp abandoned spaces.

Which States Have Squatters Rights?

Just about every state has owners regulating squatters rights but, of course, Bradley said, they vary. States and municipalities’ housing regulations typically govern how Property Managers handle evictions, especially of squatters, he said. Property Managers who have the means to do so could hire an attorney to understand what regulations apply to unauthorized tenants, or they could go about the process of evicting them themselves, he added.

How to Evict a Squatter

As mentioned before, your state and municipality will likely have regulations as to how to treat unauthorized occupants of your property. If you decide to file eviction paperwork without a lawyer, you could amend your filings or postpone hearings if you need more time, Bradley suggests. As you consider whether to hire a lawyer to walk you through the eviction process, here are some guidelines from FindLaw for what Property Managers need to know before evicting squatters:

1. Determine if they are squatters or trespassers. Property Managers need to know whether people have occupied their properties temporarily or over a long period of time, as the regulations governing trespassers and squatters differ. “If it’s a super short period of time, a couple of weeks or a month or something like that, that’s just a criminal breaking-and-entering situation,” Bradley said. In that case, Property Managers should just call the police and report the break-in.

2. Start the eviction process. After filing for eviction, you could also file an unlawful detainer lawsuit if the squatters refuse to vacate. If they remain after the lawsuit, you’ll likely need to go to the police station or sheriff’s office to remove them from the property.

3. Be mindful of adverse possession laws. Don’t wait too long to start eviction proceedings. Failure to file the eviction process quickly could put the ownership in the hands of the squatters under adverse possession laws. “The second you call them on it and you file something in court, it stops that [adverse possession requirement] clock,” Bradley said.

4. Remember the consequences of an illegal eviction. Though evicting a squatter and illegally evicting a tenant is different, it’s better to be safe and follow all eviction laws in your area than face any unintended consequences.

In his experience, squatter evictions typically occur when larger real estate firms purchase distressed properties in urban or rural areas or foreclosed properties, Bradley explained. These kinds of evictions rarely occur among independent Property Managers because they often have a better understanding of their tenants and their properties.

Keep an Eye on Your Property

The best way to keep squatters out of your property is to regularly visit and maintain it. If you’re juggling Property Managers duties with your other responsibilities, check out our advice on balancing the management of your property with living your life.

Beyond monitoring who’s in your property, it’s also essential for Property Managers to find quality tenants in the first place and communicate with them throughout their stay. Avail can help you thoroughly screen potential tenants so you can be confident that you’re signing the lease with a tenant who will pay rent and uphold their responsibilities.


By Alana Stramowski | Last updated February 7, 2022