Importance of Knowing How to Hire

The Importance of Knowing How to Hire Before Doubling Your Doors

The Importance of Knowing How to Hire Before Doubling Your Doors

By Kathleen Richards

In the property management industry, we hear a lot about doubling your doors, scaling your business, and growing your business. All of that is awesome.

But…before all your new business starts rolling in, you need to make sure you have a foundation in place so you can scale and grow effectively. Today, we’re talking about your new hire guidelines and employee development.

How to Hire for Your Unique Company

Before you hire anyone, there are a couple of things to think about. First, what is the personality characteristics and culture of your company? This is often overlooked, but it’s really important that you look for someone who will fit in with your company and how you do business. You need someone who buys into your vision and understands what you want to do with your company. Otherwise, you’re going to be knocking heads all day long, and you’ll show them the exit door sooner or later.

New Hire Checklist: Job Descriptions

You need to have a lot of clarity around what you want that person to do. I hear from people all the time that they need to hire someone because they’re feeling so overwhelmed. But, they will bring someone on without a job description or a clear idea of what that person’s role is within the company. That new employee will feel thrown to the wolves, and no one will benefit. That’s not leadership. As a business owner, you’re a leader. You need to act like a leader.